Craftivism was a term was coined in 2003 by writer Betsy Greer. She says of it: 'Craftivism to me is way of looking at life where voicing opinions through creativity makes your voice stronger, your compassion deeper & your quest for justice more infinite.'
If you like crafting - such as card craft, sewing, painting, knitting, crocheting, cooking and baking, (the list is endless!) then do come and join us.
During lock-down we will make use of Zoom and Whats -app to have small meetings until we can meet up in Church once more! The idea behind our group is as well as making things for the Church - to raise funds etc the idea is we can gently raise awareness using our crafts. So for instance in summer we will be making use of the abundance of fruit we have in the area and will make Jam and chutney - We will then make a label for the Jar with a gentle reminder about food poverty both here and abroad, with a proportion of the jar being donated to both Tear fund and Christian aid - to help their work in reducing poverty, while looking to work with the countries to make a sustainable change for the better.
We can use our Crafts to raise awareness of environmental issues, living wage issues, and help to bring changes and justice to people who are in need.
So can you craft? if you can get in touch with Rev Laura on 07780448274 or revlauraleatherbarrow@gmail.com to learn more and I hope join us!
Watch this space for more information as the year progresses and photographs of some of the work we are doing.